JUNE 9, 2020
Members present: Ken Engellant, Joe Streit, Kate Wright, Liturgy Committee Joanne Streit, Finance
Committee Kevin Kittredge, and Fr. Mo.
Absent: Jack Wright, Jake Botts, Mylo Lane, and Debbie Kittredge
There were no minutes from the previous meeting.
Kevin reported that there was $6077.40 in checking, $25,125.36 in savings. For May Income $15,507.49
and Expenses $6550.29. The roof project is a total of $9317.11. This is more than originally estimated
because the damage was more e xtensive than expected. This includes tree trimming, gutter cleaning,
and repairing rot of soffits on E and W of church. After paying Glass Construction $4396.11 there is
$1681.29 in checking.
Joanne Streit thanked everyone for stepping forward to help in the area of liturgy during COVID-19.
Kevin and Debbie Kittredge live streamed Mass all during Lent and Easter. Leah Johnson has been
putting the music on Power Point and Father has taken on the environment.
Ken Engellant reminded the Council that elections are coming up in the near future. According to the
Constitution there are to be 9 members for a 3 year term to only serve 2 consecutive terms. Three
members will rotate off each year. We have two open spots due to Mary Davison’s and Ron Seville’s
deaths. Ken and Debbie have been on the Council two terms. The remaining members are Joe, Jake,
Jack, Mylo, Kate. Ken will announce that there are openings for the council and to contact a current
member if interested. Names will be drawn from a hat for new members.
There was some discussion regarding the fair booth, however it was determined that with COVID-19 we
will revisit this closer to fair time. There may be County Health considerations.
Fr. Mo mentioned there is a new secretary for the Chancery.
His salary and health insurance will be covered by a grant due to COVID-19.
The sacred oils will be presented at the Mass June 19.
The endowment interest of $464.24 for the new church and $529.38 for the old church was deposited.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned.
Joanne Streit